About Sassy

Hi there,  I’m Sassy.  Well, that’s my nickname so close enough.

moments of self realisation I have accepted that I can be a little bit
faddish.  I obsess about one thing for a while, and then I lose interest
and obsess about something else.

At the moment it is
photography and animals, but you’ll find things on here about my other
interests which include creative writing, reading, food, wine, travel
and whatever else takes my fancy at the time.

I have moved my review posts over here http://sweetsourbittersalt.blogspot.com.au/ so that those who are interested in reviews of food, books, movies, theatre and so on don’t get bored stoopid by my pictures of feathered and furry friends.

I was
born in the UK but moved to Perth, Western Australia before I was a year
old, so this place is very much home for me. And I feel very lucky to
be able to say that.  For any of its faults there are many worse places
in the world to be right now. I love to travel, but flying in over the
Darling Scarp always gives me that little thrill of coming home.