Dog beach with Jesse and Lola
Believe it or not Perth, Western Australia is not sunshine and blue skies every day. Like today for example! In fact we get more rainfall than Melbourne, Hobart or London. The good thing is it usually doesn’t last long, and between showers we can get out and about. And of course, some of those cloudy days allow us to get more interesting images at the dog beach.
Jesse and Lola live near one of our northern beaches, and get down there most days. We weren’t going to let a few clouds and some possible showers rain on our parade. We even managed to find ourselves some rainbows!
Jesse is 7 and he is a bit of a runner. And by that I don’t mean he gets up early with his fitbit, but that we had to keep him on the lead or he was going to head for the hills (or sand dunes in this case). That’s not a problem, safety first. His mum got a bit of a workout when we were taking action shots. She thinks it was worth it.
Lola is 1, still a puppy really. She was a little pocket rocket, exploring everything and not still for an instant. I love that as we got to capture her character, just a girl exploring the world around her.
New Photo albums
With so many great images of her two babies, their mum opted to go for a album with a range from our session. These gorgeous albums can also be displayed on a shelf or table, with a hero image on the cover. I’m told that when the album was put on display at home Lola was most excited, and possibly a little confused about having some teeny tiny dogs in her home. there may have been some barking at it and a great deal of tail wagging.
Check it out.
Oh, and this is one of my first efforts at video which was fun and I look forward to doing more…
If your pup is a beach baby, and you’d like to get some shots at your favourite dog beach send me a message in a bottle… or an email which might be faster and more reliable.