Moving virtual house

There is a saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. 

Life at present is as full of things to do as I can ever remember it being. Luckily many of those things to do are wonderful, fun, fulfilling, creative things.

We’re now running Long Dogs walks every month of the year, so unlike 2013 I haven’t had the winter off to do as much with the birds. We’re close to wrapping up the photography for the Long Dogs 2015 Calendar now, so I’m going to ask myself to set aside time to keep this blog and my personal photography up-to-date.

Part of that process has included registering my own domain name, and moving my photographs from Smugmug to  Zenfolio. The first of those was obviously prompted by the second.

It’s still a work in progress, and there are some pieces of functionality that aren’t coming with me, but I’ll be saving myself some money and getting myself an Australian Print Services, which means not waiting 3-4 weeks for delivery.

If you want to check out the new photo site you can see if here Links to the old galleries will be broken sometime soon, so if you’re looking for something and you can’t find it, let me know.

It’s possible you could look at this as one of those examples or procrastination through activity, like covering your school books with contact rather than actually studying from them.

The other areas I’ve been exercising my creative muscles in has been learning about the Adobe Creative Suite, namely Lightroom, Illustrator and InDesign. I’m still a beginner but I am finding them immensely valuable. Just as well as they are not cheap.

They have enabled me to play around with images more.

One of the great joys of life is always having new things to learn.

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